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Additional Information about momocreatura

About momocreatura

Momocreatura is an artisan jewelry brand that creates unique, handmade pieces influenced by dark fairytales and nature. Founded by Japanese designer Momo Suzuki, the company is based in London and offers a range of intricate jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and earrings. Each piece is meticulously crafted to showcase fine details and tell a story, capturing a blend of whimsical and gothic elements. The brand aims to offer wearable art that resonates with those who appreciate beauty with an edge.

If you're a fan of momocreatura, our coupon codes for PLAIN SUPPLIES, Crystal Art Designs and Trace Ellements can be quite handy. Don't forget to explore coupons from other popular stores like Crystal Rhinestone Boutique, Ancient Aura Jewelry and twopalmsdesigns as well to maximize your savings.

momocreatura Return Policy

momocreatura is committed to customer satisfaction, ensuring the quality and delivery of their products meet expectations. However, if a customer is not content with their purchase, they can seek a refund—excluding shipping fees—or exchange if action is taken within 14 days of receipt, provided items are unworn, in original condition, and packaging. Bespoke items are not eligible for refund due to their custom nature. For sale items, refunds and exchanges are not available. All returns and exchanges are processed upon receipt of the returned items. Further details can be found on the return page.

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